A message from the Basileus
Cynthia Leonard

Welcome to Gamma Pi Sigma, the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Since 1963, Gamma Pi Sigma Chapter has been a resource for women and families throughout SE Wisconsin, maintaining a steady voice with the development and enhancement of programming designed to improve the quality of life within the communities we serve. As a service based-organization, our membership represents the hallmark of strong, powerful women with careers in various professions such as education, healthcare, media, social work, finance, public service and ministry. We are passionate and dutiful in our commitment to be impactful, even during unprecedented times, being “change agents” with the support of our affiliates—Rhosebuds, Rhoers, Philos and Undergraduate members. We are Gamma Pi Sigma…leading the way to Next Level of Greater!
As members of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., Gamma Pi Sigma is poised to continue the mission of Greater Service, Greater Progress for our phenomenal organization. Founded in 1922 by seven educators in Indianapolis, Indiana, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. has been trailblazers for women and families on an international level through education, social action and community service. Our presence is strong, our impact is measurable…and as we turn 102, our voice will be unforgettable. We are here to serve and will continue to be a resource for communities internationally.
Thanks for your time and support of our efforts. Stay tuned for updates and future opportunities to work with Gamma Pi Sigma Alumnae Chapter and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Cynthia Leonard
Cynthia Leonard
Basileus, Gamma Pi Sigma Chapter
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.